Visual Studio Code Leetcode Plugin cannot get the latest content issue and how to solve it
How To Reproduce
After the leetcode contest,all the latest contents already showed on the leetcode website,but can not retrived latest one using vsc plugin.
- Leetcode Plugin based on leetcode-cli project ,and leetcode-cli have the same cache problem
- Delete cache folder or delete using the command that provided by leetcode-cli or leetcode vsc plugin works.
How to solve it
- Modify /{USER HOME}/.vscode/extensions/leetcode.vscode-leetcode-0.XXXXX/package.json , and add the following in menus section.
2 "command": "leetcode.deleteCache",
3 "when": "view == leetCodeExplorer",
4 "group": "overflow@3"
- The menu will show at the left top corner of vsc.
- Done